Yara day 14


When you look at the progress bar above it looks like a lot doesn’t it? But still the fetuses are only 1 or 2 millimeter in size.

Today is day 14 after ovulation. Hopefully also day 14 of the pregnancy! At the beginning of this week the cells where only 4 cells big. Now this is 64 cells. It goes pretty fast! The lumps of cells are already transformed into blastocytes and in the coming days they will be real embryo’s. In this 2 weeks the fetus is miniscule but it has a head, spine, stumps as limbs and a tail. It is fed by the yolk-sac and at this stage is very fragile. In the next 2 weeks all of the important organs will be formed. In the video you see more amazing things that nature takes care of.

Yara is still a lot like herself. She is not really eating as if she is super hungry. She sleeps a lot. She also started digging in the tiles, weird behaviour.

Yara is measured and weighed again this week:

WeightCircumference last ribCircumference before back legs
Day 011 kg48.3 cm42 cm
Day 711.3 kg48.6 cm42.5 cm
Day 1411.4 kg48 cm43 cm

She does seem to gain weight and in her waistline..

Yara her nipples do seem a little larger, but this can very well be hormonal.

Week 1

Week 2

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