Health Tests

Health testing is very valuable to us. Every dog that we intend to breed will undergo these health tests.

We think it is important to get a lot more transparency about the outcomes of these examinations. This is why the results of our dogs are published on our website. You can find them on the page of the dog itself.

During the sharing of this information we noticed that a lot of people have trouble interpreting the results. Maybe they don’t understand why that particular disease is tested for, of they do not understand the outcoming. On this page we try to explain why we conduct the tests we do, and how to interpret the results.

When you are on the lookout for a French Bulldog puppy, it is important that you have a bit of knowledge about the outcome of the health tests. It is also important that you know the common diseases that can occur in French Bulldogs. On the Health page you can find a lot of informaton!

Unfortunately, Raad van Beheer (our kennel club) does not require any health testing for French Bulldogs. 2 dogs can be bred without a single test and you will get an FCI pedigree for the puppies.

Breed clubs do require someting, but it is not much. The testing consists of a patellar luxation exam, listening to the heart and the dog must walk 500 meters in 5 minutes.

We think this is nowhere near enough! That is why we made our own protocol and do our own health tests. All the testing we do is voluntarily, unfortunately none of these is mandatory. On the tabs below you can look into every test we conduct and you can read why we chose to perform this test.

Physical Examination

In lack of a good independent document to document the physical exam I made a protocol of my own.
On the right you fin dan empty version of it. With the arrows you can scroll through. It is downloadable for everybody on the ‘Documents and Links’ page.
The protocol is based on common occurring abnormalities that have no official exam, or of what this document is sufficient to determine if there are any abnormalities
There are different points on the list.

Breathing: The type of breathing is recorded and any murmur is recorded what could be an indication for breathing problems.

Skin and coat: The condition of the skin and coat can give an indication if there are any allergies present. The coat is checked for discoloration, bald spots of inflammation between the toes and facial wrinkles.

Ear canal: Because of the shape of the head there can occur an ear canal that is not wide enough. It can cause inflammation.

Eyes: Diseases can also be found on the page ‘Eye Abnormalities‘. The lacrimation is measured because sometimes due to lack of muzzle the tearducts are constructed wrong. There will be checked for cherry eye and the cornea is judged. If no ECVO eye exam is executed then also entropion, extropion and distichiasis are checked.

Knee joints: Patellar Luxation is common in French Bulldogs. It is important to document this disease well.

Hip joint: A luxating hip joint can be an indication for Hip Dysplasia and it is an indication for shallow hip sockets. Next to this exam our dogs also will undergo an official HD exam.

Tail: Because of the short and kinked tail sometimes the tail gets ingrown This is very painful for the dog.

Throat anatomy: An important part of this protocol is inspection of the throat area. The dog must be anestathized for this exam. There will be checked for a too long of thick soft palate, if the tonsils are normal and that the larynx is normal in shape. The diameter of the trachea is measured by x-ray. These are all clues for BOAS.

Spine: X-ray pictures will be made of the entire spine. We check for deformations of the vertebrae (hemivertebrae), presence of spondylosis or calcifications of the interverbral discs.