In Switzerland!

The ones that follow us on Facebook probably already have seen it. Yara and I are in Switzerland!

Early this morning at 7:15 we got in the car towards the clinic for the 5th progesterone test. Just to be sure I already packed our bags and put them in the car. I waited for the results at the clinic. This took 1.5 hours. In the meantime Yara and I went for a nice walk. After our walk we went back to the clinic, where the results were waiting for us. The result was exactly what we hoped for: 9.7!! This means that Yara probably ovulated yesterday, on January 1st. What a great start in 2017!

We directly jumped in the car to drive towards Miro! Yara and I drove together. Krijn has to work this week, he will join us in a few days by plane.
It was a good ride. We drove it in 8 hours. The last 3 hours were a little less good, there was a dense fog and heavy snowfall. Luckily we got at Miro his house safely.

Once we arrived the lovebirds got in action right away. Within 10 minutes of our arrival they mated! Thankfully, they liked each other just as much as our last visit.


We will stay in Switzerland for a few more days. When we will return depends on the interest that Miro and Yara have for each other. If this becomes less then we will go home. Then the long wait begins.. After 30 days we can make an ultrasound, hopefully we will see puppies on it!

During the pregnancy I will update about the process. I also will tell what is all happening inside Yara het body. Today I have a fragment from the documentary ‘In The Womb’ from National Geographic.


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