They are here!
I had already typed out a whole post for sunday. That won’t be neccessary anymore. The puppies are here!
Thursday morning Yara left a big part of her meal. Then I thought it was suspicious. Until she did not want to eat anything for the meal after that it was clear. She will go in labour soon!
After a long day and night Yara started panting friday afternoon. Phase one has started! Not long after that, at 18:43, the firt puppy was born. A brindle male, 229 grams. It was very easy and smooth. Yara directly knew what to do with the puppy. He is puppy Blue.
Yara deliverd him without any trouble. He was out in a few pushes. The next one is a whole other story. It was a so calles ‘starwatcher’ Instead of the puppy lying on its belly this puppy was on his back. The puppy then can not cooperate and the shape of the head makes that it is very hard to deliver this puppy. After several hours we decided to go for a c-section. Ales, Yara does do an incredible job. Then this is the problem.. I was so happy and relieved the first puppy came out so easy. It was pretty rough to still have to pack for the vet. At the vet 3 puppies waere born with a c-section.
This is the one, the showstopper. A nice brindle male, 240 gram. With a big tail!
After that a beautiful light brindle male followed. Weighing 220 gram
And a lovely girl, 190 gram. If all goes well she will stay with us!
Gor those who have not guessed it already. The theme of this litter is the series Game of Thrones!
Yara is a super sweet mother, I barely notice that she has had a c-section. That is how good she does. The puppies almost all gained weight already this morning! Only the showstopper lost 5 grams. They are alive and kicking!
I have made a litter page on the website. Under ‘Puppies’ is all information about this litter. New weekly pictures are posted there. All health results will also be there when the time is right and the puppies are old enough to be tested.
I am SO incredibly proud of my little girl. She can do it, deliver naturally. And now she is a great mother.
I want to thank Maureen, Linda end Jolien for all their support. Without them I would have panicked when we had to go to the vet. Thanks a lot girls!
The interest in this litter was immense. Unfortunately I had to dissappoint a lot of people. All puppies are reserved.
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