All testresults public

Next to all the other health tests Yara has underwent she also has ‘official Raad van Beheer tests’. But what is this exactly?

The  Raad van Beheer is the Dutch organisation that gives out the FCI pedigrees, next to some other things they do. They have developed sereral test protocols to test on different abnormalities. Unforunately not for all conditions, but protocols are developed for Hip dysplasia, Elbow dysplasia and an eye exam, among some others. These tests are standardized, so there is no room for your own interpretation. It is also not possible to condone the results, like ‘for a French Bulldog these hips are fine’. All dogs are tested equally, no matter what breed they are.
On HD and ED there is a judging panel. This panel consist out of 3 specialist vets. It is a secret what vets are in this panel because then all appearances of unfair judging are prevented. The x-rays for judging must be taken conform some strict rules.

The eye exam works a little bit different. One vet executes this exam. The eye exam is performed following procedures of the ECVO. ECVO stands for European College of Veterinarian Ophthalmologists. For this exam there are special vets who are licensed to perform it. All follow the same protocol.

If you want to know more about these tests, how they work and why we perform them then look here here. For various exams the Raad van Beheer has no test protocol. In this case we made one ourselves. We think it is important when a breed is suspected from a condition that we test on it. And then of course as objective as possible. For the French Bulldog none of these tests are mandatory, we hope this will change in the future because some of these conditions definitely are common in French Bulldogs!

On the website of the Raad van Beheer you can find the results of the official tests. Yara her test results are found hereIt takes several weeks before the results are shown online but now they are complete. When you scroll down the page you see ‘Gezondheidsonderzoeken’ and if you click on the tests they will fold out and show more information. If you click on ‘Generaties & gezondheid online’ on top of that page you can find every dog and its results by the pedigree name.

Yara her HD result will be listed on the pedigree of her puppies.


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