Day 35


We have passed the halfway point. Only about 28 days to go until the puppies will be born. This will be the fun part because we can now see changes on the outside. The puppies will now start to grow. Last week they were 1,5 centimeter. Now they are 3 centimeter. in one week they doubled in size!

1. Chorion (outer sac)  2. Smooth chorion 3. Allantois  4. Amnion (inner sac) 5. Navelbladder 6. Edge of the placenta 7. Placenta

The development of the organs is almost done. The fetusses are less vulnerable for outside influences. The gender is visible. The puppies are packed in their own individual sac. This has multiple functions, it protects the puppies. The outer part of the sac is called chorion. The inner part is the anmion, inside the amnion is the puppy. In between the amnion and chorion is the allantois and the yolk sac.

The teeth, whiskers and paws are in development. The eyes close. In the video you can see why.

Still Yara is very lazy indoors. She barely plays with her toys. Outide she still is active.

In the beginning of this week Yara was also a little nauseous, she even threw up once. Still she loses strings of slime every now and then. Some bloody and some are clear. We try not to worry about that. Maybe it is something that is just part of Yara.

Yara is also weighed and measured again this week:

WeightCircumference last ribCircumference before back legs
Day 610.9 kg45 cm40.5 cm
Day 1410.9 kg46 cm41.5 cm
Day 2110.9 kg47 cm43 cm
Day 2810.8 kg48 cm44.5 cm
Day 3511 kg50 cm46 cm

In weigth gain she does not show much, she gained 200 grams since last week. The centimeters do change. How does she do it??

Yara her nipples are now taking serious forms, they grow very fast! Her waist is disappearing. Also her tuck is away, on the pictures you see quite some difference. Every now and then we see a big ball poking out on the side. Quite some difference with 7 days ago!

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

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