We are back

This morning we drove away from beautiful (snowy white) Switzerland. Luckily we had no trouble on our way, there were warnings for the heavy snowfall in South-Germany.

Miro has mated with Yara several times in the beginning of the week. If there has been a succesfull mating it had to have happened between Monday and Wednesday. The matings were incredibly smooth and easy, we did not have to to a thing. Miro and Yara did everything them selves, we could sit back and relax with our cup of tea. Just how it is supposed to be. It was amazing to see the chemistry between the two. They like each other so much! They slept together, groomed each other. So cute!

We also started our countdown already. We start counting days from ovulation. ara would be on day 5 now already, of the 63 she has to go. Then suddenly it goes fast!

Yara has been weighed after our arrival at home. Her weight is now 10,9 kilogram. We also measure her belly on 2 places. On the last rib and right before her back legs. The circumference around het last rib is now 45 centimeter, and before her back legs it is 40,5 centimeter. From now on we will weigh and measure her every week. If there is something visually shows I will also post pictures from it. But for now it is too soon for this.

Annette, Danke Vielmal for your hospitality! We felt right at home and had an amazing time with you and your family!

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